Source code for steganogan.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import zlib
from math import exp

import torch
from reedsolo import RSCodec
from torch.nn.functional import conv2d

rs = RSCodec(250)

[docs]def text_to_bits(text): """Convert text to a list of ints in {0, 1}""" return bytearray_to_bits(text_to_bytearray(text))
[docs]def bits_to_text(bits): """Convert a list of ints in {0, 1} to text""" return bytearray_to_text(bits_to_bytearray(bits))
[docs]def bytearray_to_bits(x): """Convert bytearray to a list of bits""" result = [] for i in x: bits = bin(i)[2:] bits = '00000000'[len(bits):] + bits result.extend([int(b) for b in bits]) return result
[docs]def bits_to_bytearray(bits): """Convert a list of bits to a bytearray""" ints = [] for b in range(len(bits) // 8): byte = bits[b * 8:(b + 1) * 8] ints.append(int(''.join([str(bit) for bit in byte]), 2)) return bytearray(ints)
[docs]def text_to_bytearray(text): """Compress and add error correction""" assert isinstance(text, str), "expected a string" x = zlib.compress(text.encode("utf-8")) x = rs.encode(bytearray(x)) return x
[docs]def bytearray_to_text(x): """Apply error correction and decompress""" try: text = rs.decode(x) text = zlib.decompress(text) return text.decode("utf-8") except BaseException: return False
[docs]def first_element(storage, loc): """Returns the first element of two""" return storage
[docs]def gaussian(window_size, sigma): """Gaussian window. """ _exp = [exp(-(x - window_size // 2) ** 2 / float(2 * sigma ** 2)) for x in range(window_size)] gauss = torch.Tensor(_exp) return gauss / gauss.sum()
[docs]def create_window(window_size, channel): _1D_window = gaussian(window_size, 1.5).unsqueeze(1) _2D_window = window = _2D_window.expand(channel, 1, window_size, window_size).contiguous() return window
def _ssim(img1, img2, window, window_size, channel, size_average=True): padding_size = window_size // 2 mu1 = conv2d(img1, window, padding=padding_size, groups=channel) mu2 = conv2d(img2, window, padding=padding_size, groups=channel) mu1_sq = mu1.pow(2) mu2_sq = mu2.pow(2) mu1_mu2 = mu1 * mu2 sigma1_sq = conv2d(img1 * img1, window, padding=padding_size, groups=channel) - mu1_sq sigma2_sq = conv2d(img2 * img2, window, padding=padding_size, groups=channel) - mu2_sq sigma12 = conv2d(img1 * img2, window, padding=padding_size, groups=channel) - mu1_mu2 C1 = 0.01**2 C2 = 0.03**2 _ssim_quotient = ((2 * mu1_mu2 + C1) * (2 * sigma12 + C2)) _ssim_divident = ((mu1_sq + mu2_sq + C1) * (sigma1_sq + sigma2_sq + C2)) ssim_map = _ssim_quotient / _ssim_divident if size_average: return ssim_map.mean() else: return ssim_map.mean(1).mean(1).mean(1)
[docs]def ssim(img1, img2, window_size=11, size_average=True): (_, channel, _, _) = img1.size() window = create_window(window_size, channel) if img1.is_cuda: window = window.cuda(img1.get_device()) window = window.type_as(img1) return _ssim(img1, img2, window, window_size, channel, size_average)